Ensure IntelliSense Fully Works Alongside ReSharper
The attribute intellisense didn't seem to work unless I suspended ReSharper. (using ReSharper 2016.2.2).

You can try out the beta of V6 by installing the following: https://xrmtoolkit.com/downloads/xrmtoolkit_6_0_0_11.vsix
To learn about what’s new see here: https://xrmtoolkit.com/WhatsNew/WhatsNewInV6
Please report any issues to support@xrmtoolkit.com
Peter Street (LazerFX) commented
Agreed, using ReSharper 2016.3.2 also has issues.
This can be resolved by adding an optional component to XrmToolkit that acts as a ReSharper plugin and interfaces to the ReSharper Intellisense. Something based upon https://www.jetbrains.com/help/resharper/sdk/CustomLanguages/Overview.html may be the starting point for this, otherwise, communication with the ReSharper developers (They're very open to updates) will surely assist in producing this.